Relaxing Doesn't Make Babies

Many Questions

April 6, 2009 — 3:48 pm

I have a lot more posts to make about this all, including how I told Den, since he is not here yet. But for right now I figured I’d answer a bunch of the questions I’ve been getting!

Are you getting a beta?
Since I’m out of the country I obviously cannot pop over to the clinic to get my blood drawn. I put in a call to the nurses today to let them know the good news, and they told me congratulations and just to come over for a beta when I get back next tuesday. Which will be a little weird, because obviously the numbers aren’t going to be comparable to anything from my last pregnancy, being a week later and all. I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal to not have a beta drawn right away, but suddenly the idea of having a blood test confirm pregancy sounds like a really idea. Nothing to be done about it now, though.

When are you due?
December 12! Saturday is “officially” the day that my pregnancy weeks will start, going by that due date, but I’m putting up all my tickers a day off so that Sunday is the “new week day”. Just for me. Sunday is my day off, it’s my day of celebration.

How many embryos did you put back again?
We transferred just one embryo at a time, so this is almost certainly a singleton. If it’s twins it would have to be identicals, and I don’t even want to go there!

Why do you think this cycle worked?
Well first of all I do think a lot of it is dumb blind luck. We had a great embryo last time, and a great embryo this time… 50-50, right? Yes, I’m on vacation and not working… and, while I do think vacations a GREAT thing for my mental well being, I don’t really think that played a part in this. What I DO think was significant is the fact that this was a FET. My body really took a beating last stims cycle – that was far more physically stressful. The cycle I got pregnant with Devin I had no overstimming, no bloating, no side-effects from the stims… just like a FET (even though that was a stims cycle). I’m wondering if that is significant.

And also, as sweet as it is to have found out on Devin’s due date, I do not believe that was significant either. Last time we could have found out for his birthday, or the one before that for Christmas. I’m not really sure why my cycles have aligned themselves with major dates, but it’s a relief to not have another one crash and burn.

How are you feeling, physically?
Well first of all I did not expect any “symptoms”. With Devin I had nothing until way after I knew I was pregnant. This time? Whoa baby. Let me list so far:
* Day of total exhaustion (but so far it was just that day… I’m running on adrenaline, however)
* Allergies in overdrive. Feels like a great big head cold. Started days ago.
* Very gassy, yuck.
* Lots of twinges and pulling sensations in my abdomen.
* Some unhappy nerves in my hips, same ones as when I was in late pregnancy last time.
* Feeling kind of faint and dizzy when I stand up.
I think that’s all so far. No queasiness or food cravings/aversions yet! (Yet.) It makes sense that they’re all related to pregnancy, but it did seem logical that my body was out of whack, because of the travel. My newfound allergies have never been in BC before, and I do get tired when I travel. But boy do I “feel” pregnant for only being 4 weeks. It’s a little shocking to me.

How are you feeling, emotionally??
It’s weird, you know… because I really wasn’t expecting such a roller coaster this weekend. I figured I’d test on Sunday and either spend a couple days crying, or be pregnant and thinking up clever ways to surprize my husband. Instead I’ve been freaking out over stupid ass tests that have me doubting my own sanity. So for a day I was happy and hopeful, but in a state of disbelief… afraid to really put my heart on the line yet. That’s why seeing a light line today really hurt me… I needed some kind of solid confirmation and I didn’t get it with the FRERs. Which is why I totally started sobbing when I saw the digital. It was okay for me to really believe it then.

The light lines and what-if’s have of course brought up some worries about miscarriage. I know there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it, and it’s pretty obvious to me that I am pregnant right now, but I’ve seen enough pregnancies end to be worried. But, regardless, I promised myself a long time ago that I wouldn’t let my fear drown out my joy. The fact of the matter is that I am pregnant NOW. And for heaven’s sake it’s about time to celebrate something! So if some of you babylost/infertile girls out there are looking at her thinking, “Holy shit, she has a ticker already? Is she nuts?” the answer is: yes. But… man, part of what I loved about being pregnant was experiencing it all! And I refuse to deny myself that.

I think it can pretty much go without saying that anything I say from now on about the future will have an unspoken disclaimer of, “If everything works out…”

How is Den doing?
Well to be honest I’m not quite sure. I know he’s a lot more unsure and scared than I am… because I have the body with all the symptoms, and he doesn’t. He was nervous enough last time, and now it will only be worse. He’s really really really excited… but really scared this is going to be taken away, too. I can’t wait for him to get here so we can just be hopeful together.

When does Den arrive?
Well, right now we’re not sure. He was supposed to get here at 5pm today, but there were a bunch of flight delays and he had to get put on different flights. We’re hoping he gets here sometime tonight.

Did you tell your parents yet?
I did! I waited until I had the digital to show them. I knew showing them a very light second line would not really have any impact, since they don’t understand the whole “a line is a line” thing… and neither one of them has great eyesight anymore, so I didn’t think they’d be able to see it! But this morning when I got the digital I walked out and handed it to my mom and she said, “What does this mean?” She knew, but wanted to make sure. I nodded and she started crying and jumped up and hugged me. Dad also asked, “What does this mean?” and then just said, “Oh! Really?? Already?? Well, good!!” My dad, ever the emotional one, ha! I love them both and I am just so thrilled to be able to share this with them!

Who else knows?
Ummmm… the entire internet, I think!! But you know me, I don’t keep secrets very well at all. ;) And goodness gracious, I love all of my friends… it’s so freaking joyful to read all the celebrations that are going on right now!

As for family, all I’ve told are my parents and brother. My mom asked me today if we were going to tell everyone at easter dinner next week and I told her I didn’t think so. Den and I need to talk about what we want to do, obviously, but I’m pretty sure we’re going to hold off announcing to family until we have seen some ultrasounds and a heartbeat. Not that I wouldn’t tell them about a miscarriage, if that happens, but… I think we both feel a little fragile right now.

28 responses to “Many Questions”

  1. KC says:

    i can’t get you off my mind today!! i’m so excited. now send me some baby dust. my ER is Saturday and ET is tuesday. :)

  2. Lauren says:

    I have thinking about you non stop today too. I am just so freakin happy for you. REALLY! I look forward to following along with you in this journey. Cheers Nat!

  3. Nicole says:

    Congratulations! I almost cried tears of joy when I saw your post today. :) So, so happy for you!!!!

  4. Leigh says:

    Thanks for the update! I had wondered all of those things too! Still cheering with you!

  5. Kathy says:

    First, congrats!

    Second, you COULD get your blood drawn in Canada. We also do Quantatative Beta’s. Many people think that the Canadian system is on par with third world countries. YOU should know better than that. Right? Do you simply not want to pay for a blood draw in Canada that your insurance would cover at home?

    Believe me, we HAVE the technology. We could even do an ultrasound in a pinch.

    Good luck!

  6. Kristen says:

    YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!! Congratulations, Nat! I am tearing up right now. I could not be happier for you.

    Not to mention you’re due on my birthday! I can’t wait to read more about your new journey.

  7. Sandy says:

    I’ve been holding my breath for you all day!

    CONGRATS!!! You just made my day, no wait, I think you just made my whole year!!!

    I’ve been following you around since December 2007!

    Thank you so much for sharing the good news.

    Your baby has many many internet fairy godmothers who have been eagerly awaiting this announcement!

  8. Sandy says:

    Amendment: I’ve been following you since December 2006! I’ve lost track of time.

  9. Nat says:

    Kathy – Oh I know I COULD get it done, but it wouldn’t be covered by our insurance. If I feel like it’s necessary I certainly could. :)

    Sandy – Internet Fairy Godmothers…. Hahahaa, I love that!!

  10. Amber says:

    OMG! I am soooo excited for you! FINALLY!!!! YES!!!!! Ive been waiting with you for the past year for you to have this good news! YAY!!!! Congrats and have a happy and healthy 8 more months!

  11. Bobbi says:

    I tried to leave a comment… and now I don’t see it. Anyway this might be a duplicate, sorry!

    I’m a long time lurker and just wanted to say- HOLY CRAP! YAY!!!! I’m so excited for you and Den!

  12. Meike says:

    This is so great to hear, I’m really happy for you both and look forward to reading more about this pregnancy :) Yay!

  13. Rach says:


    I hope the next 8 or so months cruise by uneventfully for you….

    Glad it finally happened for you…


  14. Sally says:

    Thanks for the updates! I love the new tone in your voice. It is good just to embrace the moment. Allow yourself to feel all that joy. You more than so many people, really deserve that.

  15. Sarah says:

    Here’s my question:

    Can I knit things for the baby?

  16. Nat says:

    Sarah: LOL! If you want to!

  17. d'RC says:

    Delurking to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy for you guys!

  18. linlee says:

    I’ve been reading you for a very long time but never knew what to say. I just kept praying for you to get pregnant!!!!
    Today I can say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
    I am so happy for you.

  19. Jilly says:

    OMG. OMG. OMG.

    At the risk of repeating what you’ve heard ALL OVER JM for hours now…


    There are SO many people crying tears of joy for you, hon! You have got one popular little baby there!

  20. Kristeen says:

    Congratulations on your wonderful news!!

  21. Kim says:

    I am so flippin’ happy for you. If there is one thing that has made me joyful lately, its the fact that you got your BFP!

  22. Andrea says:

    Congrats again. This is really wonderful.

  23. Mimi says:


  24. Ariel says:

    Dear Natalie – I just found this blog a few days ago, but nonetheless I am overwhelmed with joy for you, more than I can put into words. I have also experienced the shattering combination of infertility and stillbirth; my husband and I lost our first baby, conceived through IVF, last month. She died from a cord accident at 25 weeks. But right now I am as happy as if I’d had a positive test myself. Needless to say I will be glued to this blog from now on. News like this gives me hope for all of us who, for whatever reason, are put through hell on our quest for parenthood. CONGRATS NATALIE & DEN!!!!!!!

  25. Rebecca says:

    Nat. I am speechless with joy for you. I had to delurk to say that I have read every post of yours since you lost Devin (and I found you) in March of last year. I have been following about 10 or so blogs and now everyone has gotten pregnant. You deserve this on an unbelievable level, and I am so happy for you and Den. And I know you don’t believe in this stuff, but I can see Devin smiling down on you from heaven, and it brings a tear to my eye. Congratulations and all my love.

  26. T-Girl says:

    Can we start guessing BOY/GIRL?….

    I vote for BOY!!!… So I guess I need to tell your Dad to start looking again for blue fishing lures again ;)

  27. Heatherrose415 says:

    ““Holy shit, she has a ticker already? Is she nuts?” the answer is: yes. But… man, part of what I loved about being pregnant was experiencing it all! And I refuse to deny myself that.”

    Good for you!! I LOVE that mind set!!!

  28. Emerald Rose says:

    Natalie, both my husband and I are very happy for you. We hope that this pregnancy brings you and Den lots of joy and hope. Enjoy every moment of it and I will definitely be following your progress *HUGS*