Relaxing Doesn't Make Babies


January 26, 2012 — 10:57 pm

Being sick with a toddler to take care of is just about as much fun as you would think it is. Possibly less. I am lucky that Kate is being so nice and cuddly with me instead of yelling at my inability to do much, but I still really wish I could just spend all day in bed doing nothing but laying there feeling miserable. Instead I lay on the couch feeling miserable and playing Elmo over and over for Kate. (Maybe that’s why she’s being so sweet!) Kate today was alternating playing with toys and sitting curled up with me watching TV while I dozed in and out. She even gave me some kisses on the forehead.

Tuesday afternoon I started feeling some slight stomach pain where I wasn’t sure if I’d walked too much that day or what. It just got worse from there. I was up all night sitting on the toilet and puking into Kate’s potty (well at least it does serve on purpose). I must have picked up a stomach bug… I’ve heard others mention one going around. What is it with me being pregnant and getting stomach bugs? Must be because my stomach is already so damn sensitive and queasy, any little thing sends it into a tailspin.

It’s now thursday evening and my stomach muscles actually hurt. I feel much better, but food is still not settling well so I’m sticking with jello and gatorade and soup. I’m rather starving, and once or twice my stomach tricked me into eating something… bad idea. So I’m taking it easy.

Miracle of miracles Kate is NOT sick, I’m not sure how she didn’t get anything. I’ve been eying Denis suspiciously, wondering if he’s going to get it.

One response to “Sick”

  1. Deborah says:

    It’s funny, we always expect kids to be impatient with us when we’re sick, but I think at a certain age they actually start to worry about us. So I’m glad at least Kate is cooperating with you. I hope you feel better soon, though!