Relaxing Doesn't Make Babies


January 4, 2006 — 4:18 pm

I’m pretty bummed about messing this month up. I know there’s still a chance, but we could have – and should have – done a lot better job about BDing more frequently with O coming up. I got overconfident and lazy, I guess. Gar. But I really want a September baby. I don’t want an October baby. This sounds really stupid, but… my mom was born on October 29 and I don’t much fancy my baby being born at the same time. November is getting really close to christmas, Den wants to keep trying, I’m not so sure. We might end up taking just one month off (so we don’t have a baby AT christmas).

I’m trying to convince myself that I’m not pregnant. I know this is silly, but… I feel like if I convince myself I’m not then I will be, but if I think I AM pregnant, I won’t be. Stupid, I know. But we don’t have a very good chance this month. I asked one of the admin/advisor people at FF about how long sperm can survive in creamy CM and she said 24 hours. Which means if I did ovulate on the CD 12 there’s pretty much nill chance. But if I ovulated at CD 14 I still have a chance. It’s not great though. :(

So much for my body behaving perfectly after the pill, huh? That’ll teach me.

10 responses to “Disappointment”

  1. Kel says:

    I was convinced I was pregnant…and I was. So :razz:. And you might be surprised, I swear we had sex, like, twice the entire month of November and look what it got us.

    As far as what the admin/advisor people said about how long sperm survives, eh… My OB told me, when I chatted with him about trying, that it survives 72 hours around ovulation, even told me that once every 3 days should be enough (though obviously more = better chances).

  2. Nat says:

    Well “around ovulation” usually means fertile-quality cervical fluid, which I don’t have yet. But, I could be surprized. Who knows what’s going on in there.

    Me want belleh.

  3. Kel says:

    Me want belleh too. Unfortunately, before you get belleh, you must survive the initiation. Bwahaha!:twisted:

  4. Nat says:

    LOL I praayyyyy I escape the sickness…

  5. jen says:

    I hope you do too! I did – thankfully – although – there do be some weird crap that happens. Man

  6. Nat says:

    lol Tell me about it… I got enough weird crap going on with my body without being pregnant. :shock:

  7. meghann says:

    i too survived the morning sickness, but i had weird dreams and little sleep from the get go. and i didn’t have to even wear maternity clothes until the start of month 7, but once i hit the 7 month mark the belleh came and seemed like it would stay forever!

  8. jen says:

    While I, on the other hand have ALREADY had to switch over to maternity clothes – meh. sux. Apparently happens in my family way early

  9. Kel says:

    No maternity clothes for me … yet … but before the stomach flu hit my pants were getting quite tight. Then I lost 5 pounds. So now, no clue!

  10. Nat says:

    lol Well Kel, you’re barely eating!

    The other day I put on my jeans. My belt I normally put on hole #4, but hole #3 if I’m stuffed and bloated. Well hole #4 was too loose! Crazy man. Of course I’m going to gain all the weight right back soon as I get pregnant, but oh well. :P