Relaxing Doesn't Make Babies


April 3, 2013 — 9:54 pm

I have to share this photo, because I love it.

I’ve been getting a bit more into photography as a hobby lately (I used to be… a long time ago. When I had time and energy and nothing else to do). Yesterday I was trying to take some self portraits using my camera and my tripod and Kate was attracted to the tripod like a bug to a light. She wanted to touch it, play with it.

After I was done I collapsed the legs way down so it was Kate’s height and set up the camera so she just had to turn the camera and push the button. She loved it! She took pictures of random things around the room and then started piling all of her stuffed animals on her kitchen to take a group photo.

She’s my kid, what can I say. :D


Her pic:


One response to “Camera”

  1. Mat says:

    That’s pretty good for 2! The girls got a point and shot last Christmas. They don’t use it as much now but when they first got it they pretty much carried it with them.