Relaxing Doesn't Make Babies

Birth and teeth

March 19, 2011 — 11:47 pm

Today I watched a little bit of Pregnant in America – I’d heard people say they didn’t like it as much as other birth movies but I wanted to see. I like it so far. It’s just got me thinking about having a homebirth. Before it wasn’t an option because we didn’t know what to expect, and because we were scared. It’s different now that we have Kate. But the main thing that makes me think that a homebirth would be really so nice is my tendency for very fast labors. I keep thinking about that damn car ride to the hospital and how horrible it was. Not horrible as in it ruined everything and scarred me forever or anything, but horrible as in wouldn’t it be nice to avoid that next time. Okay, yes, we plan to go in earlier next time, but that part scares me because it really was hard for me to know when I was actually in labor until right at the end. It would be so much easier to just call someone and have them come to me. Not to mention how nice it would be to sleep in my own bed. I hate sleeping in the hospital. Actually I don’t think I have actually slept at the hospital – I have spent a total of two nights in the hospital, one after Devin and one after Kate, and I don’t think I actually slept either time. I hate how alien it feels, how I can’t get comfortable, and with Kate I hated how far away she felt even though she was right beside me. It wasn’t until we were home that she felt real.

Not that I’m even pregnant, but something to ponder, I suppose. We’ve been talking about going back to do IVF again maybe in December or early next year, but we have to figure out how to accomplish that, financially. And I want to balance the timing between how we would like the kids spaced versus continuing to breastfeed Kate longer… I don’t know that she or I will be ready to wean at 18 months, but that is still so far away. Then of course there’s the nagging voice wondering if it will even be possible to get pregnant again but I’m choosing to ignore it.


More radio silence because I think I can sum it up pretty easily: teething sucks. There has been a lot of crying on her end and not a whole lot of sleeping on mine. Recently she only will sleep comfortably if I’m sitting up straight or standing… not very conducive to me sleeping, too. Last night every time I tried to gently gently lay down and wiggle out from under her so I could get comfortable she’d start arching her back and screaming again. Ugh ugh. For her nap this morning I had to sit up holding her just so she’d get enough sleep. I’m tired of having a whiny cranky baby waddling around my house (and falling and crying frequently). When she has good naps she’s great but when she doesn’t she’s a very sad baby.

The cold is on the way out, she just had a tiny bit of a runny nose today and I have this lingering freaking cough just like last time.

5 responses to “Birth and teeth”

  1. Gina says:

    Teething sucks BIG TIME for some babies.My older kids were wonderful teethers! A little drool,alot of taking everything to their mouth,a sore butt (very normal during teething),but that was that.But Noelia..oh brother.She couldent sleep,she´d get a fever,she´d become extremely clingy,she´d cry and whine *all* day and the only thing she was up for doing,was nurse.
    I swear that every time I saw those little red bumps on her gums,Id feel like leaving for a few weeks lol.
    Dont worry,not all kids have it that bad I promise ;)

    • Nat says:

      Yes, the butt!! I have had to change her twice as often as usual because she keeps getting rashes, which make her even MORE upset. Ugh! During the day she’s usually fine, it’s just nights and naps that are so screwed up.

  2. Brittanie says:

    My kids are terrible teethers. Not actually with the rashes, but just really taking a long time. I hope Kate’s cuts quickly.

    As for the birth thing, I’ve always been impressed with women who can trust themselves enough to give birth at home. I find a lot of comfort in the proximity of intense medical care if it is needed. *Thinking* about L&D at home makes me anxious. But I LOVE reading homebirth stories, and I really really do hope that you get a chance to have that beautiful experience.

  3. Virginia says:

    I enjoyed having Leah at home. Oh sure, I had to get dragged in immediately after to get stitched up ’cause the midwife didn’t feel confident enough that she’d do a proper job, but I still got to go home a few hours later. But it’s definitely nice to be with your own things, in your own bed, having control over your own environment. Me… I’d’ve had a horrible miserable shoot-me-now time to be in the sterile busy loud hospital environment – too much imput! :)

    So, long and short – totally recommend it.

  4. Gina says:

    I admire anyone who gives birth at home voluntarily,and when I was pregnant,I LOVED watching home births,because the women in the videos were always sooo calm and serene and they made it look so easy lol.

    Me? No,I could not do it at all.Mainly because Im scared of anything going remotely wrong,and I dont really want to be in control..I want people to tell me what I need to do because it helps me focus,and I also like the idea of being in hospital if anything goes wrong.
    Also,I want the EPIDURAL!!! lol.Im not up for the pain at all,and my epidural births were soooooooooo amazing (no-no floppy babies involved lol).I loved feeling everything but the pain,and unlike with my sons emergency c-section (where I was in full blown labour for hours before they knocked me out) I felt so much more involved in my own birth experiences (its hard to explain).I was calm,I was concentrated,I was right there focusing on everything and taking it all in,I was able to chat with my husband,count contractions,and I was in an amaaaaaaaaazing mood!! lol.

    I think Id go out of my mind during a home birth..I can just imagine it now.My 2 older kids arguing and screaming in the background,Noelia crying and being clingy,my husband trying to keep everyone out of the room,and all the time im going through a natural labour and feeling like I want to kill someone….yeah,not what Id want at all.The hospital was less busy,more peaceful and DH could sit with me whilst the nurses kept everyone else out!!! lol

    I think the amazing thing about this day and age is the fact that we actually *can* go into hospital and be tended to,and we *can* go through labour and birth without any pain.Its a huge weight lifted.You have to admit that its pretty awsome that we can do that these days ;)