Relaxing Doesn't Make Babies

Sickies suck

March 17, 2011 — 4:27 pm

I had the intention of writing something but then I decided to take the time after Kate went to bed to update her “baby’s first year” calendar. I’m also realizing I have only two months left to get her scrapbook up to date if I want to have it available at her birthday party. Of course she didn’t give me much time to actually work on it, and last night was a disaster.

I am sick yet again and so is she. I swear this has been the most head colds I’ve had in one winter, ever. It’s always my damn sinuses. Kate brought this one to me, as per usual – no idea where she got it this time, though. She’s congested and it is making putting her to sleep really sucky… she’ll be almost asleep and then SNORT COUGH WAAIIIL. I have to rock her to sleep standing up, holding her in my arms against my chest, and only when she is *fully* asleep can I lay her down… and even then she was waking up screaming and snorting 5 minutes later. Boy does she get ticked off when she can’t breathe well. Naps are even horrible, if I can even get her to sleep; the last two days she napped very briefly in my arms. It’s been about 4 days of little to no sleep during the day and very crappy sleep at night for her, she’s been more or less a walking zombie. A clumsy, whiny zombie. And it’s not even that she’s congested really badly, when she’s awake and moving she’s fine other than a runny nose – it’s just when she lays down it drains and one snort and she’s a screaming banshee. Ugh.

I think adding to the congestion and runny nose is more teething… she’s been drooling a lot the last day or two and really chewing on things. I think that second tooth really wants to finally pop through, and I wish it just would. (Her first tooth is through and the second one is visible right under the gum, and has been since #1 showed up. But it just won’t come through! And/or maybe there are more on the way, who knows.)

(I wrote this last night and today I noticed that #2 is poking through. YAY! Maybe we’ll get back on track with sleeping!)

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