Relaxing Doesn't Make Babies


February 8, 2009 — 1:21 am

Baseline went same as usual. More than 15 antal follicles total, thin lining, everything hunky dory to start. I didn’t get a call, which means my E2 was also completely normal.

Which is good, since the lady taking my blood had to poke me twice. I warned her about my veins, she tried, she rooted around, found nothing. Then the same in the other arm. Thank the light she found it there, because I was really wincing from the fishing for the vein. She had started eying the veins on the back of my hand, and I was politely trying to dissuade her from trying that. Oh nooo you don’t. No hands. Painful.

I did mention to the nurse that I was a little worried that my body wouldn’t respond to the menopur-only protocol. She reassured me by reminding me that menopur is half FSH, half LH. In every 75iu bottle there is 37.5iu of FSH. I’m doing three vials a day, so it’s basically like doing 112.5iu of follistim. That made me feel better. And it is a lower dose than before. This is good.

The hope is that the extra LH will all go to my little eggies and whisper in their ear.

Oh, also she mentioned that they recently (within the last year) changed their freezing protocol to only freeze embryos cultured to blast. She confirmed that if our second embryo last time didn’t freeze it was because it didn’t make it to blast. Which reinforced my belief that those embryos took a hit to quality with the overstimming… which I think also explains why the first embryo didn’t implant. It probably didn’t make a good blast either. Kind of makes me wonder why they transfer at day 3 at all…. using the same logic, they ought to wait and see if it’s a worthwhile embryo first.

I go in Tuesday morning for bloodwork to see how my E2 is doing. That will be the first clue that things are going well or not. Today was somewhat a “gimme” (as much as they can be, in this game)… but seeing if my body is responding appropriately, that will be the first big question.

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