The best laid plans…
Oh yeah, and I am to go in Saturday morning for baseline scan. Saturday, not Friday, the way I had planned it. So I’m going to be late to work and have to take sick leave. And also, I think this makes it more likely that the beta will be on or very close to Devin’s birthday… it all depends on how long I stim for.
This makes me annoyed – and yet not annoyed enough for me to call and ask them to change it. I am trying hard not to over-manipulate things… I spend so much of my time micro-managing everything, counting out days and plotting everything, I have been trying to surrender some of that and just let it be out of my control – that maybe things will just work out better if I’m not constantly struggling against it. I’ll let you know how that turns out.
So, Saturday I start Phase 3: The Big Needles.
sorry I’ve been out of hte loop! Good luck!