Relaxing Doesn't Make Babies

New look

February 3, 2009 — 1:26 am

Yeah, I changed the theme. I needed something… bigger. And newer. And different.


Giving myself my own shots is… interesting. It’s just lupron, so it doesn’t hurt. But there’s still a moment when I’m holding the needle poised inches above my skin that I pause, thinking, this is really weird. And a little bit intimidating.

But – as with a lot of things in life, I’ve learned – it’s a lot better if you just do it quickly and don’t think too much about it.

9 responses to “New look”

  1. Sally says:

    loving the new look. hope the new look brings new luck.

  2. Raychel says:

    totally loving the new look!

  3. Delenn says:

    I like the new look. Reading about you doing Lupron just brought me back to that moment. In the bathroom, poised to stick a needle in my body. I think it hurt more emotionally than physically.

  4. Amber Nicole says:

    I love the new look. <3

  5. Ali says:

    Love the new look hun.

  6. Brandy says:

    The new look is just lovely, the colors are fabulous.

  7. Karen says:

    I love the new look. The earth tones are beautiful. About the shots, it’s just not natural to stick yourself in the stomach with sharp objects. Every time I started a new cycle, there was a weirdness about it-like I’d never done it before. I’m glad the lupron isn’t too bad.

  8. Jess says:

    Love the new look. :)

  9. Cori says:

    Love the new look.