So today… didn’t go as planned. To say the least.
I woke up to a doubly swollen stomach today. Yes, last night’s shot also reacted. No bruising this time, but a nice big lump. Matching lumps! And it, too, was itchy. My boss happened to be there when I arrived, so I had her take a look at it (as she happens to have medical training in a totally unrelated field). “I have taken two injections so far, one here, one here. Does this look like an allergic reaction to you?” She peered at it. “Yep. Definitely.” I stomped upstairs shouting, “WHY can’t ANYTHING be EASY?!??”
I know, allergic reaction was suggested to me yesterday. And I held it in my mind as a possibility, but I just wanted to wait and see if that first reaction was going to turn out to be a one-off type of thing. So I was really in quite a sour mood to find out that, no, this really is an allergic reaction of some sort. So I called the nurses and left a message for them just to let them know and find out if they wanted me to do anything about it. I made sure to point out that I was not in pain or anything, just itchy, no big deal. Just… thought you should know, is all. And then I went upstairs and freaked out that this would be A BAD THING and they would want to pull me off this drug. I was already preparing my bargaining – I’ll suffer, just let me do this cycle!! Please!!
Meanwhile coworker arrived and did the casual, “So how are things?” I showed her my stomach with a grumble, curse and a groan. “And,” I added, “on Saturday I felt a UTI starting, but at least that hasn’t bothered me since.” Cue dramatic irony here.
To rewind a little bit, when I was finishing up work on Saturday I had to pee several times. After about three trips to the bathroom (with little output) I knew it was not normal. I’ve had a UTI before, I know what that feels like. I came home and drank a ton of cranberry juice and layed in bed and thought more about the shot I needed to give myself than anything. Sunday I spent the day in bed, but I felt fine either way. I didn’t give the “possible UTI” a second thought until I mentioned it offhand to my coworker this morning.
So sure enough today it started bothering me again, with increasing intensity over the day. At first I figured I’d just wait to talk to the nurse when they called back about the allergy thing. Then when I felt like I wanted to just live in the bathroom I figured the nurse would be calling me any minute now. I finally ended up giving up on work and driving home. I was miserable. The itchy stomach thing had receded so far into the background of my conciousness I barely noticed it… it was my poor bladder that was shouting and banging pots and pans in my head.
Of course, somewhere in the process of driving home, stopping at the pharmacy to buy some OTC stuff, and running into the house to the bathroom, I missed the goddamn mothereffing call from the nurse. I had the phone either in my purse or in my hand at all times, so WHAT THE HELL?? Thinking it was really getting late and I should ring the on-call person I picked up my phone and there it was, “1 Missed Call” and a voicemail. I swear to you I wanted to throw that phone against the wall and scream, I really, really did.
I was left wondering WHO DO I CALL?? I just had a feeling that maybe the RE’s clinic isn’t the one who really should be handling something as mundane as a UTI, but at the same time I am an active patient and it’s all kind of connected, health-wise. The RE’s nurse is definitely who I wanted to talk to. Most people call their primary doctors, but the last time I did that I was told I didn’t have a UTI and was sent to my ob/gyn (who said I did have one, and treated it), so I don’t exactly trust his office with this particular problem. Do I call the ob/gyn? Suddenly I realized I am not ready to go back there until I am pregnant again. So… what do I do???? On a whim I called the RE nurse’s line… and she answered. Oh I felt like I’d won the lottery. No, really… it was the best thing that had happened all freakin’ day.
The nurse sent in a prescription for antibiotics for the stupid UTI, but I had to go get my urine cultured. I decided to go do that right then – the sooner I do it, the sooner they get the results. Unfortunately I’d been peeing all. day. long. I squeezed out a pathetic little amount into a little cup. I was told it was probably enough for one test… but two had been ordered. So I drank some water, sat in the waiting room for 15 minutes, and tried again. I think I gave them enough. Of course I’m now worried that, like last time, I’m going to be told I don’t have a UTI. Wouldn’t that be hysterical. Because I so do.
Getting back to the nurse’s voicemail message, there were other little goodies in there.
First of all, on saturday the nurses had asked me what kind of hCG I have for my trigger shot, since they were thinking the Dr wanted me to do the Ovidrel again, like last cycle. I, of course, have Novarel, not Ovidrel. So in my message I mentioned it, thinking they would just order me the correct stuff. Oh no. The nurse checked with the doctor. What I have is what he wants me to use this time – but he wants me to do it intramuscular.
I nearly dropped the phone. Not what I was expecting to hear!! I mean, it makes sense. But… what!! All you other IVF veterans must be giggling at me, because I’ve been pampered. I’ve gotten this far with doing only sub-q injections. No problem. I have lots of fat, I barely feel a thing! But the thought of that big needle in a muscle scares me to death. Oh goodie! Something new to frighten me with!
Oh, and the thing that started this whole day? The allergic reaction? She said it probably is the menopur and that I can try hot or cold compresses, and also can try using a little more diluent when I mix it, that could help lessen the effects. But she says they really want me to stay on this medication if I can. If I can?? I may be hunting for an unbruised, unswollen piece of blubber by the end of stims, but by god I will survive. Just call me Ms. Lumpy.
So it turns out that the thing I was worried about was nothing big, the thing that I had dismissed wouldn’t leave me alone, and the thing I didn’t even think to think about bit me in the ass. Literally.
It just wouldn’t be my cycle without some weird big crazy rollercoaster-from-hell, now would it.
I’m already exhausted, and it’s only stims day 3. Is it just me, or does the crazy shit happen earlier each cycle?