Relaxing Doesn't Make Babies

Ready to Pop

Jan 1, 2007 — 9:35 pm

Oh yeah, today (day before my ultrasound) I’m feeling very very bloated/tight in my pelvic area. Feels like I have a balloon in there. And it’s on my right side.

Den found out he doesn’t have work tomorrow, so he’s thrilled – but my ultrasound appointment’s still in the morning. He might come with me to see the big follies. Maybe it’ll be good luck. :)

Oh, and one last thoughts: I will no longer be mentioning TTC to any of DH’s friends. They’re great people, but on the subject of infertility they are insensitive and ignorant. Last night everyone was drunk and every single one of them, when the subject was brought up (by Den) said, “Oh, you know how it is…. it’s all up here.” (Pointing to their head.) “The more you think about it…” I was unfortunately not drunk enough to laugh it off, plus I was feeling a bit sick, so I ended up very crabby. And in fact I am getting more and more annoyed all day, thinking about it. I did at one point try to interject some actual logic, but they just shook their heads solemnly, because they know. Whatever. I will no longer be speaking about it. I have many, many friends who are able to be supportive and understanding – I do not have space for those who are not.

(New Years, by the way, ended on a much better note than that – we left that party at midnight and went to see a band and hang out at one of my friend’s places, and we had a good time.)


Jan 2, 2007 — 10:59 am

Ultrasound is done. End result: yep, I’ve been feeling it on my right for a reason. I have 4 in total, 1 on my left (known open) side, 3 on my right (unknown). But I don’t know, I just can’t seem to muster up a whole lot of enthusiasm. I can cross all my fingers though, for sure.

Full stats:
My lining was 8mm triple layer.
Left side had one 23mm follicle.
Right side had a 22, a 24.5, and a 25mm.
All four follicles were mature and ready to go.

So I got my trigger shot (stomach again – I requested it, since I barely feel it going in). Going in for my IUI tomorrow.

At the end of the appointment I asked about maybe making an appointment with the RE herself to talk about what we’ll do if this cycle doesn’t work. She originally said their protocol is 3 clomid IUIs, then 3 injects IUIs before IVF – but our insurance only covers 3 IUIs total. So I want to find out if we’re going to do an injects next cycle, continue with the clomid (since I AM getting a huge response out of them), and if we’re going to move on to IVF after three cycles of insurance-paid IUIs or if she really wants us to do more IUIs even if we have to pay for it. So anyways I went to make an appointment and the earliest she has open is mid-February. I kept saying, “I need something in the next two weeks,” and the receptionist replied with, “Is February 20th okay?” Grrrr. So I don’t know what to do really. I’m going to call the nurses line to see if they can figure it out without me needing to actually come in for an appointment, maybe they can get the Dr to call me or something. Because otherwise we’re going to be mid-cycle 3 before even getting to ask her, and obviously by then it’s too late to change our plan for cycle 3’s IUI. Whatever.

Plus Den was a little annoying today. I know we didn’t get much sleep (though I was awake before the alarm even went off, guess I was anxious about the appointment). The whole way there he was having temper issues with other drivers on the road – and to be fair they were worse than normal, but still is cursing really going to fix it? Then when I brought up to him about seeing the Dr he said I should schedule it for after my period is supposed to come. I tried patiently to explain to him that clomid starts on day 3, and I don’t KNOW when my period will come, so that would be too late to change what we’re doing and he got all pissed off at me (because I wasn’t agreeing with him – damn that logic). I honestly don’t know what that was about, but that put me in a bad mood. And THEN the entire time we were at the doctors he was reading a magazine. And every time I spoke to him he’d only half-listen, with an expression on his face like I was interrupting him. I didn’t ask him to come along so he could sit there like a lump on a log… I actually wanted some company. The only thing he did do was jot down the numbers as the nurse did my ultrasound, like I asked him to. But next time I think I’ll just ask him to stay home. Grrrr.

I should be excited today, but instead I’m feeling exceedingly grumpy.

Mess Up

Jan 2, 2007 — 8:27 pm

I fucked up. I got home from the ultrasound, wrote about it, played my game a bit, then took a nice long nap. Got up, had food, etc etc. Just now Den’s telling me we’re going to have to get up in the morning for the IUI and I sit up in bed and say, “OMG! I was supposed to call them!” We have to call to make the appointment – the day before the IUI. Now it’s 7:30 and I don’t know what to do. Crap crap crap!!!

I called, they close at 4:30. I left a message for them. I’m so mad at myself. Gah.


Jan 3, 2007 — 7:05 pm

Well that sucked.

I called the RE Nurse’s number earlier today and tried to explain my predicament about not knowing what the future holds in terms of doing another clomid cycle vs an injectibles cycle because our insurance only covers one more IUI. I made an appointment with the Dr, but the earliest they can get me in is end of February – which, obviously, is too late to figure out what to do for cycle #3. I need to make a decision about whether or not to use our insurance next cycle in the next two weeks.

So the Nurse left me a message… they recommend doing IUI with clomid “for many reasons” (but she didn’t say what they WERE). She went on to say they suggest to schedule an appointment with Dr. Lynch…. apparently she missed the fact that I DID schedule an appointment with Dr. Lynch, but it’s going to be too late.

So I talked to Den. He wants me to call back and ask specifically what the reasons are for the IUI (which we would have to pay for if we don’t use insurance next cycle in order to save it for an injectibles), and specifically if they “want” us to do an injectibles cycle in the future. Because if we use the insurance on a clomid cycle we will NOT be doing injectibles, we’ll move straight to IVF (which we DO have insurance coverage for). That’s our decision. Like Den said – “You are getting four follicles! What is the point of going on injectibles, to get 12?!” Which has been my thinking all along. I don’t really want to spend more money on something that is not going to increase our chances any further than what they are without causing significant risks. I do not WANT more than 4 follicles on an IUI cycle, simply put.

I just don’t want them to be all, “Oh, do another clomid and IUI!” and then after that say, “Oh we need you to do an injectibles cycle before you do IVF.” That would make me pissed off, see. I just want to make sure that we’re all on the same page here. And Den and I do think we’re going to do clomid with no IUI if these three fail… before jumping to IVF. A max of three more cycles (six total), unless we decide that we’re done with it and ready to move on. But I really don’t see me being ready to do IVF after only three cycles.

What I really want to do is talk to the Dr, but I can’t do that! How frustrating.

Bases Covered

Jan 3, 2007 — 10:07 pm

We have done our duty and BD’d to make sure all possible sperm are coming from all possible angles. Den has given the little men a pep-talk, ordering to “pick left or right, it doesn’t matter – just swim straight!” So hopefully one of those little buggers will find a target.

I am still preoccupied with future plans for how to tackle everything within our insurance limits. Maybe I’m being premature on that, I dunno. I just like having a plan. Like Den said, “You always plan for things that never happen.” (Which is true.) “Which is why I know we’re not going to have a third cycle – because you’re so worked up over it!” Heh. Okay, works for me.

IUI #2

Jan 3, 2007 — 10:15 pm

Oh gosh! I forgot to post the update on the IUI this morning! Yes, we had it done! Luckily everything worked out, for which I am very thankful.

This morning I pulled out the instruction sheet from the bag and read it – it said call the lab by 8pm the day before. Well I called at 7:35pm, so that took my anxiety level down about 3 notches. But the sheet also said to call a SECOND number to “register” with the hospital. Agghhh. So I called this morning while we were in the private room. LOL! Got myself all registered, no problems.

So we got there at 7am, got the private room, I made the phone call, Den pulled a curtain back and told me not to look, then we dropped off the sample.

Then we went to IHOP for breakfast. It was good! I’ve been wanting to go to IHOP forever, so I was happy to get to go finally. I had french crepes and scrambled eggs and bacon, Den ordered an omelette. It was the biggest omelette I have EVER seen… it was massive!! Den wasn’t even very hungry, so he was slightly dismayed. He only ate half.

Went back to the hospital to sit and wait until 9am, picked up the washed sample, went in for the IUI. The numbers:
97 million total count
84% motility
Which makes 81.5 million total motile

It took her a little while to get the catheter in, said my cervix is curved, but I didn’t feel too much. Just felt weird. I was just laying there thinking, “This is such a strange way to conceive a child.” Yes, very weird. Well, okay, I felt a little bit of pressure down there that made me scrunch up my face. But Den held my hand and I focussed on relaxing and was fine.

She said two weeks from today if my period hasn’t started I can come in for a bloodtest that would be pretty certain one way or the other. I don’t know if I will or not, might just stick with my pee sticks. She also said I don’t need a progesterone test this cycle, because they did it last cycle and my numbers were plenty high enough so they’re not concerned. Fine with me.

So yay. On to the 2ww. I test at 12dpo on January 15th. Then test again at 14dpo on January 17th, the date they told me to, lol.


Jan 4, 2007 — 7:40 am

I feel so uncomfortable right now… I got up this morning and ran to pee, but I still feel as if my bladder is about to burst… and I know it’s not my bladder. It’s my silly ovaries. Feels SO swollen and tender. Yeouch. Hope this is short-lived.

I do not, however, have any tenderness from the injection site. For some reason this month there is no redness, no soreness. o.O Go figure. I’m not complaining.

Insurance Said WHAT?

Jan 4, 2007 — 1:38 pm

What the FUCK?

“It’s Dottie from Dr Lynch’s office, we had Evette check on your insurance for you, she spoke to Jessica at ConnectiCare… according to them you have no lifetime max, and you have no limit for IUIs, IUIs are always covered, and IVF is covered as well.”

WHAT?? I mean, that would be fucking awesome – but that is NOT what the 2007 booklet says. Now I have to call ConnectiCare and ask them what the fuck is up. Pulling my damn hair out.

* * *

Yeah, just what I thought. I spoke to Tracy, who said that Den’s employer (the federal government) is now complying with the state mandate as of 2007 – but it’s the Connecticut mandate that they’re following, which allows for limitations, and in this case they decided to use those limitations. Which are: 3 IUIs, 2 IVFs, lifetime max. I told her about what Jessica had told my RE and she apologised. Gah. So I called Evette (the insurance coordinator) and told her what I’d found out and asked her to double-check.

Bah. For a minute there I really thought I had no limits and that would be awesome.

Car Seats

Jan 4, 2007 — 11:38 pm

Most Infant Car-Seats Fail Crash Test

Rather scary, I’d say.

Best of 2006

Jan 6, 2007 — 1:41 pm

Stirrup Queens is making a list of the best posts of 2006. She wants everyone in the IF community to send in a link to their blog’s “best” entry to put up on the list.

And I don’t know what to choose. I haven’t really felt like any of my entries are “perfect” or spectacular, but I’ve narrowed it down to three posts that I think have more to it than my usual yabbering. So help me out here – what do you think is my “best”?

Perplexed, Oct 25
Infertile, Oct 25
Frustration and Undirected Anger
, Dec 4

I’ll update this post later with my choice… whenever I figure it out.

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