Ready to Pop
Oh yeah, today (day before my ultrasound) I’m feeling very very bloated/tight in my pelvic area. Feels like I have a balloon in there. And it’s on my right side.
Den found out he doesn’t have work tomorrow, so he’s thrilled – but my ultrasound appointment’s still in the morning. He might come with me to see the big follies. Maybe it’ll be good luck. :)
Oh, and one last thoughts: I will no longer be mentioning TTC to any of DH’s friends. They’re great people, but on the subject of infertility they are insensitive and ignorant. Last night everyone was drunk and every single one of them, when the subject was brought up (by Den) said, “Oh, you know how it is…. it’s all up here.” (Pointing to their head.) “The more you think about it…” I was unfortunately not drunk enough to laugh it off, plus I was feeling a bit sick, so I ended up very crabby. And in fact I am getting more and more annoyed all day, thinking about it. I did at one point try to interject some actual logic, but they just shook their heads solemnly, because they know. Whatever. I will no longer be speaking about it. I have many, many friends who are able to be supportive and understanding – I do not have space for those who are not.
(New Years, by the way, ended on a much better note than that – we left that party at midnight and went to see a band and hang out at one of my friend’s places, and we had a good time.)