Keeping Busy
Last night, while I was supposed to be cleaning, I ended up spending hours on an excel calendar. I downloaded a yearly calendar that is awesome! All decked out with formulas to automatically generate pretty much any calendar you want, just type in the year/month you want it to start with. But I wanted to show TWO years. And that was a pain in the ass. I couldn’t figure out the stupid arrays, there were things pointing to variables that I couldn’t find, and I was getting very irritated. Plus the stupid conditional formatting only accepts 3 different options, and I need 5.
I did finally figure it out half-ways. I have a calendar for 2005, 2006, and 2007 on different sheets. For any date up until the current date I have it highlighting my ovulation days and cycle start days. From the current date for the next 6 months it highlights my predicted ovulation and cycle start days. It’s pretty cool, I think. But then I’m into that ultra-geek stuff. :) I just absolutely love playing with numbers. My cycles have given me so much data to track, it’s so much fun.
Other than that there is nothing to report really. My period is finally ending, after having been heavier and more painful than my usual periods (but not overly so). But two days of pain and nausea and four days of pretty substantial bleeding is about all I can take.
Still no results from the doctor. Den did call, they said they don’t have them yet but they’ll call when they do. So more waiting. As if I don’t have enough waiting to do, right? Hopefully we’ll get the results tomorrow.